
DSCF7034, originally uploaded by Junior Naturalist.

We spotted this giant Manatee in a quiet area on the bay side of Sanibel Island. When we first passed her I thought it was a sunken kayak covered with algae.

Snowy Egret profile

snowy egret profile, originally uploaded by Junior Naturalist.

A Snowy Egret waiting for fish scraps near a fish cleaning station on San Carlos Island.

Snowy Egret feet

snowy egret feet, originally uploaded by Junior Naturalist.

The very large clawed feet of a Snowy Egret.

San Carlos Island

Red Snapper mouth

red snapper mouth, originally uploaded by Junior Naturalist.

Red Snapper caught off Madeira Beach on a charter boat.

Pelican diving for fish scraps

Brown Pelican diving for fish scraps near the fish cleaning station.

San Carlos Island, FL

Osprey nest

osprey nest, originally uploaded by Junior Naturalist.

Osprey nest with parents and juvenile birds. Near Captiva Island, FL.

Lightning Whelk

lightning whelk, originally uploaded by Junior Naturalist.

Live Lightning Whelk found on the grass flats near Sanibel Island.