
Remora, originally uploaded by Junior Naturalist.
A Remora caught in the bay on the north end of Fort Myers Beach. The head has a suction cup type device that the fish uses to attach itself to other fish, usually sharks. They then eat bits of food that the fish leaves behind when feeding.

This guy stuck right to the side of the boat!


Spotted this dead, hallow Palm Tree in Bowditch Point on Fort Myers Beach. Knocked on the tree trunk once and up popped the head of this Raccoon.

Knocked on it again and he dove out and scurried up the path in a hurry.

cotton like plant

An interesting (and unknown) plant with cottony flowers growing in Bowditch Point on Fort Myers Beach.

Sea Pork

sea prok - FMB, originally uploaded by Junior Naturalist.
A random assortment of sizes and colors of Sea Pork washed ashore on the north end of Fort Myers Beach.

Sea Pork

sea pork - Pink Shell, originally uploaded by Junior Naturalist.
Two small blobs of Sea Pork washed ashore near Pink Shell Beach Resort on Fort Myers Beach.


A juvenile Green Iguana, an invasive species, spotted in a Palm Tree just off the boardwalk in Bowditch Point in Fort Myers Beach.

Horseshoe Crab

Horseshoe Crab at sunset on the north end of Fort Myers Beach. There were several small to medium sized dead horseshoe crabs around on the beach.


Small Pinfish caught in a cast net on the bay side of Bowditch Point on Fort Myers Beach.

Large Hermit Crab

large hermit crab in whelk shell - FMB, originally uploaded by Junior Naturalist.

With big red claws, found inside a Lightning Whelk shell on the north end of Fort Myers Beach