Female Grackle

female Grackle - San Carlos Island, originally uploaded by Junior Naturalist.

A female Grackle spies our lunch. San Carlos Island

Pelican Rookery

pelican island 3, originally uploaded by Junior Naturalist.

Large group of pelicans on a Rookery island on Fort Myers Beach. 
Also spotted on the island: Florida Cormorant, Great Blue Heron, Anhinga, and Black Vultures.
There were schools of mullet and catfish circling the island.


pelican island 5, originally uploaded by Junior Naturalist.

Immature Brown Pelican on a Rookery Island. Fort Myers Beach


pelican island 4, originally uploaded by Junior Naturalist.

Adult Brown Pelicans in a tree on a Rookery island. Bay side of Fort Myers Beach.

Hermit Crab

hermit crab - FMB, originally uploaded by Junior Naturalist.

Hermit Crab in what looks like a Banded Tulip Shell. Found at low tide behind the Pink Shell Beach Resort, Fort Myers Beach.

Bait fish

bait fish from cast net - bowditch, originally uploaded by Junior Naturalist.

Caught in a cast net on the north end of Fort Myers Beach.


toadfish, originally uploaded by Junior Naturalist.

Caught off the docks on San Carlos Island.